OrgAnic reVolt und das.bernhard.ensemble
Im Rahmen von "2019 out of control"
“The starting point of the project is an autobiographical story. Just before we, my mother, my sister and I, wanted to go on vacation, my mom disappeared in a phone booth to call her lover. When she returned to us, she had suddenly become a different person. At that moment my mother had her very first schizophrenic crisis. I was only ten years old. Since then I‘ve been constantly tormented by the question of what exactly happened in the cabin. I couldn‘t explain it to myself. I‘ve never found out. However, I think that‘s why I‘ve become an artist! I‘ve become a dancer because at that moment I realized that the essential things, that change life, can‘t be narrated and explained with words.” (Leonie Wahl)
"A successful approach to the incomprehensible."
"The joke of madness in the Vienna OFF-Theater."
(Der Standard)
" 'This is what happened in the Telephone Booth' enchants with a wondrous, bizarre poetry, which gently covers a brutal story."
Ich denke, ich bin Tänzerin geworden, weil ich begriffen habe, dass man die wesentlichsten Dinge des Lebens, die einen so stark beeinflussen und uns zu wesentlichen Änderungen treiben, nur sehr schwer rationell und mit Worten erklären kann. Auslöser für gewisse Situationen erscheinen uns oft lächerlich und banal, weil man die Ursachen dafür nicht sehen kann oder will. Kunst macht für mich das Unsichtbare erfahrbar. (Leonie Wahl)
Kirchengasse 41
1070 Wien
jeweils 20:00
Tanz: Leonie Wahl, Hannah Timbrell
Performance: Kajetan Dick, Gerald Walsberger, Michael Welz
Kartenpreise: Normalpreis € 18,-, Ermäßigt € 15,-, StudentInnen, SchülerInnen, Zivildiener € 10,-
Karten unter:
Ernst Kurt Weigel
Ernst Kurt Weigel
Devi Saha
Devi Saha
Leonie Wahl
Christina Berzaczy
Julian Vogel