Pricked and Away

netzzeit and co-produced by Dschungel Wien and Wien Modern

Musiktheater von Elisabeth Schimana, basierend auf Grimms Märchen «Dornröschen» nach der Oelenburger Handschrift von 1810 (2017-2018) UA


The girl pricks herself on the spindle and is gone. Gone are the many voices, the rules, and possibilities. Gone, the many questions about sex, gone the admonitions and temptations. Gone the pitfalls of fertility. For one hundred years the girl spins and spirals into a world between life and death.

We travel with her in this immersive, real stage space to virtual worlds of sounds and images, following her slightest head movements as she, wearing VR goggles and headphones, navigates through imaginary landscapes and explores the farthest corners of an abundant world full of birds and insects but no mammals or humans.

Throughout the history of Sleeping Beauty, the 100-year sleep has been regarded as a punishment inflicted by the wicked fairy godmother, but in light of today’s overproduction, total restlessness, and the resulting destruction of the world, this can instead be interpreted as a true blessing. What would a world without us mammals be like? Would it be capable of recovering?

Elisabeth Schimana

7 Tage etwas hält der Boden nicht aus
7 Jahre Menschen, Millionen Jahre Vögel,
3,8 Milliarden Jahre Prokaryoten
Irgendwann braucht man auch mal eine Pause
Felder die nichts produzieren
Dschungel: Nur rein in die Produktion!
Feenreich, gestundete Zeit, Das reine Nein
Waffenstillstand für alle Beteiligten

(c) Ann Cotten



DSCHUNGEL WIEN - Theaterhaus für junges Publikum
im Museums­Quar­tier
Museumsplatz 1
A-1070 Wien


MON 26 11 2018 - FR 30 11 2018 19:30 WE and FR 10:30


Tickets sind im Dschungel Wien oder bei Wien Modern erhältlich.
Preise VVK: Erwachsene: 14 EUR
Kinder/Jugendliche bis 19 Jahre: 10 EUR

Narrator (m)

Christian Reiner

Narrator (f)

Sonja Kreibich


Airborne Extended: Sonja Leipold (Virginal, Spinettino), Caroline Mayrhofer (Paetzold-Bassblockflöte), Doris Nicoletti (Flöte), Tina Zerdin (Harfe)


Elisabeth Schimana


Ann Cotten

Artistic Director

Michael Scheidl


Nora Scheidl


Jan Maria Wielander

Technical Management

Peter Venus


Markus Wintersberger

Concept / Direction

Elisabeth Schimana